005CM Carambole
Family Name Oxalidaceae
Scientific name Averrhoa carambola
Common name Star fruit
Growth habit High temperature, more humidity. Evergreen small tree or shrub. Native to tropical Asia, rich in south of mainland China and Taiwan, from tropical to semitropical Philippines.
Leaf The leaves spirally arranged, are alternate, imparipinnate, ovate or ovate-oblong. The leaves are soft, medium-green, and smooth on the upper surface, finely hairy and whitish on the underside.
Flower Red with purple, imbricate arranged, corolla nearly bell-shaped, white to lavender; petals obovate, rotating like arrangement; filaments base connate, florescence between July to August.
Fruit Berry ovate or elliptical shape, have a thin and waxy skin, chartreuse , matured from August to September.
More to learn Carambola roots, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit can be used for medicinal. Medicinal botany the carambola is called "five-grabbing sub. Carambola root grating fine, hemostatic, analgesic efficacy. Governance the head winds pain, joint pain, heart area pain, nocturnal emission, nosebleeds. The carambola foliage with heat poison, Lee urine efficacy. Governance blood heat itching, fever, headache, scabies, chicken pox. Young peach with heat effects. With governance between cold and heat. Acclimatized with malaria, the carambola preserved the stains Baimi food effective.
Properties Cool, taste sweet and sour, astringent, flat, non-toxic. Under and in gas, heat and thirst quencher, Sheng Jin eliminate annoying, diuretic, detoxifying, sober, to aid digestion.
Treats Wind-heat treatment for cough, thirst, irritability, throat pain, stomatitis, toothache, liver disease, dysuria, stone disease, scurvy, food poisoning and alcohol poisoning.
Reference 杨桃
Averrhoa carambola
Averrhoa carambola (Oxalidaceae)
