007CM Alocasia cucullata
Family Name Araceae
Scientific name Alocasia cucullata
Common name ..
Growth habit Drought-tolerant, shade-tolerant, likes the high temperature and humidity.
Leaf Foliage dark green shiny ,leaves small
Flower 1.5-2.5 cm long female inflorescence, fertile male inflorescence nearly spindle-shaped, 3.5 cm long, 8 mm Central coarse pale yellow, yellow; adnexal pale green, yellow-green, narrow conical, about 3.5 cm long, 6 mm lower part of the rough.
Fruit Berry spherical. Flowering from May to July, the fruit produced in August.
More to learn Toxic.Oral more than six hours before the long-fried to avoid poisoning.
Properties taste slightly bitter flavor, Big Chill, toxic
Treats Governance snakebite. Detoxify, swelling analgesic. Can cure flu, fever, tuberculosis, acute gastritis, external governance snake bites, cellulitis, boils, rheumatism, etc..
Reference 百度百科
