011CM Argy Wormwood Leaf
Family Name Asteraceae
Scientific name Artemisia princeps
Common name mugwort, medical grass, moxibustion grass, artemisia argyi
Growth habit Perennial herbs, height of 45 to 120 cm.
Leaf Leaves with a short handle, leaves ovate-elliptic, above dark green, dilute with soft white hair, and dense glandular dots, gray-green below, densely with gray hair.
Flower Collections made by the majority of capitulum. Involucres bracts 4-5 layers, outer layer smaller, Ovate-lanceolate, middle is bigger than inner, wide oval, margin membranous, densely woolly, flowering from July to October.
Fruit Gender pollinated, about 2mm, purple-brown. achenes oval, glabrous. From September to October, harvest fruit ripening.
More to learn Take the blade to set on a stone mortars, pound into a velvet-like, cylindrical paper roll into thick strips, and it is moxa. It is mainly used of moxibustion agent
Properties Bitter in taste, warm. A small toxin.
Treats For lower abdomen pain, menstruation does not adjust, uterine infertility, hematemesis, nvxue, Uterine bleeding by more menstruation, gestational, external treatment of skin itching.
