014CM Podocarpus nakaii
Family Name Podocarpaceae
Scientific name Podocarpus nakaii
Common name Nakai podocarp, Nakai yellowwood
Growth habit Evergreen trees
Leaf Alternate, lanceolat, upper cuticle is dark green in color, lower cuticle is silver-green beneath in color
Flower Yellow-green color. Single flower plant. Dioecious, male: cylindrical, 2 anther rooms; female: solitary, not obvious, glandulifera. Florescence from March to April.
Fruit The fruit is a drupe, spherical, purple-green when mature, glaucous; amphithecium under the drupe is oval or spherical, dark red color in the beginning, later change to purple.
More to learn Red ripe seed care, and the apex of the green seed, seem like the monk draped robe, thus the plant is called Podocarpus. Stems can be high 20 meters, so should be trimmed to keep low. Widely planted as horticulture, extremely common. Excellent timber for architecture and sculpture
Properties Sweet tasting, slightly warm
Treats Fruits: For heart and stomach pain, blood deficiency pale complexion. Root: Huoxuezhitong, insecticide, used for bruises, ringworm. The foliage: Governance hemoptysis.
Reference Description of podocarpus nakaii
Podocarpus nakaii fact file
Treats of podocarpus nakaii
