019CM Thymus
Family Name Lamiaceae
Scientific name Thymus
Common name Thyme
Growth habit Perennial herbs or subshrubs
Leaf Leaves opposite, narrow oval or lanceolate
Flower Summer flowing, Thyme Flowers are in dense terminal heads,corolla white to lilac
Fruit The fruits are schizocarps
More to learn Thyme can also be outside for skin, foot bath with tea liquid can deal with athlete's foot, can also be used to baths to relieve muscle aches
Properties Odor: quite sweet and strong grassy.
Treats Cough and phlegm, prevent colds, relieve sore throat, promote digestion, relieve headaches and menstrual pain, relieve hangovers.
Reference Plant profile on Thymus Vulgaris
General information on Thymus Vulgaris
Treats on Thymus Vulgaris
Gallery on Thymus Vulgaris
