023CM Vitex negundo L.
Family Name Verbenaceae
Scientific name Vitex negundo L.
Common name Chaste Tree, Lagundi
Growth habit Deciduous shrub or small arbor
Leaf Palmately compound, small leaves are oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, apex acuminate, green surface, dense gray hair on the back.
Flower The cyme complex composed of panicle-like, was born of branches, campanulate calyx, lavender colored corolla. Flowering between April and June.
Fruit Brown, nearly spherical, equal to or slightly shorter than the calyx, the lower part is in the calyx. Matured from July to October.
More to learn By rubbing the leaves, there is a smell like cinnamomum camphora. People would expel mosquito by burning Vitex negundo L. branches in the past, the effect is like lavender but the material is readily available. Taiwanese would tied Vitex negundo L. branches into a bundle and use it as a broom. In summer, they would also use Vitex negundo L. branches to cover the hen houses to release heat. In aboriginal culture, Kavalan sorcerer used the leaves of Vitex negundo L. as medical trearment. Marca Road Serbs dropped the leaves of Vitex negundo L. into water to pray for rain.
Properties Roots, stems: Bitter, slightly acrid. Antipyretic, antitussive, dampness and cut malaria. Leaves: Bitter, cool. Dampness and cut malaria. Fruit: Bitter, acrid, warm. Antipyretic, soothing asthma, manage Qi to relieve pain.
Treats Roots, stems: used for bronchitis, malaria, hepatitis. Leaves: topical treatment of eczema, dermatitis, athlete's foot by using soup to wash. Fruit: used for cough, asthma, stomachache , indigestion, enteritis, dysentery.
Reference General information on Vitex negundo L.
General information on Vitex negundo L.
Interesting information on Vitex negundo L.
Gallery on Vitex negundo L. in different places
Medical information on Vitex negundo L
