031CM Paederia scandens
Family Name Rubiaceae
Scientific name Paederia scandens
Common name Skunkvine, Stinkvine, Chinese Fever Vine
Growth habit Vine-like shrub.
Leaf Born in pair, usually wrinkled or broken, the complete one is broadly ovate or lanceolate after flattened, apex acute, base cuneate, rounded or shallowly cordate, green and brown colored, both sides without pubescent or subglabrous.
Flower Cymes or axillary, the former with a multi-leaf, latter evacuation spend less, spend lavender. Flowering between June and July.
Fruit Flat round berries, shiny when ripe, yellowish-brown. Matured from October to December.
More to learn In accordance with the custom of some places in Hainan, on 1st July, every household will eat Paederia scandens cake. Hainanese also use Paederia scandens to make snacks such as Paederia scandens rice balls and Paederia scandens rice noodles, Hainanese use Paederia scandens cake as tonic of women postpartum, postoperative patients and physical weakness.
Properties Sweet and sour tasting, flat. Heart, liver, spleen, and kidney meridians. Relieves rheumatic pains, diuretic, eliminates indigestion and phlegm, antitussive, relieve pain.
Treats Arthralgia due to wind-dampness; dyspeptic abdominal distention; diarrhoea; thermic fever; choleplania; hepatitis; hepatosplenomegaly; cough; crewels; acute appendicitis; inflammatory process of tissue of unknown origin; wet feet swollen rotten; burn and scald; eczema; dermatitis; traumatic injury; bite of snake, flood dragon, scorpion and sting.
Reference General information on Paederia scandens
General information on Paederia scandens
Information on Paederia scandens cake
Gallery on Paederia scandens in different places
Medical information on Paederia scandens
