032CM Isatis tinctoria
Family Name Brassicaceae
Scientific name Isatis tinctoria
Common name Dyer's woad
Growth habit Annual or biennial herbaceous. Strong adaptability. Cold-resistant. Tolerant drought.
Leaf Oblong-lanceolate stem leaves. Arrow-shaped base.
Flower Blooms small yellow flowers in summer. Racemes. Synthetic panicles of branches
Fruit Oblong flat pod. Winged edge. Mucronate.
More to learn The stem and leaves of Isatis tinctoria can be made as color blue dyes.
Properties Stem: Bitter tasting, clearing away heat and toxic.
Treats Colds, viral infections, and infectious diseases.
Reference General information on Isatis tinctoria
Medical uses for Isatis tinctoria
Pictures of Isatis tinctoria
