034CM Sweet William
Family Name Caryophyllaceae
Scientific name Diranthus chinensis
Common name Caryophyllaceae, China Pink, Rainbow Pink
Growth habit Growth at 10 meters above sea level to 2,700 meters in the region, mostly grown in the prairie and hillside grassland
Leaf Green to greyish green, slender, 3–5 cm long and 2–4 mm broad.
Flower White, pink, or red in colour, 3–4 cm diameter, produced singly or in small clusters from spring to mid summer
Fruit Nuts, berries, capsules or winged or prickly fruit of points
More to learn Listed as ornamental plants, widely cultivated by the artificial introduction in the world
Properties Bitter, cold
Treats Diuretic Tonglin,
Reference Ethanol Extract of Dianthus chinensis
Dianthus chinensis
