035CM Epiphyllum
Family Name Cactaceae
Scientific name Epiphyllum “wendy” cultivar
Common name 月下美人 瓊花 鳳花 金鉤蓮
Growth habit Growing in detritus-rich sandy soil, enjoying dank and foggy environment, cannot be exposed in sun for long time, and is not cold-resistant.
Leaf Main branch cylindrical, rod flat, green, leafy, wavy edge, rib strong and thick, no leave blade.
Flower Large, bloom like as a “bowl mouth”, was born in the edge of leafy branches, flower double petals, pure white, petals draped needle-shaped, flowering in the evenings and withering in early next day. Florescence between June and October.
Fruit Fruit with long and round shape, red color, juice.
More to learn Native to South Africa, Mexico regions. It belongs to the drought mesophytes tropical desert plant. As it blooms in the evening and has fragrant, it is also known as “Beauty under the moon”. Flowering lengths for 4 to 5 hours, so people uses “short-lived” to describe a very short time. It means fleeting opportunity.
Properties Flower: sweet, neutral, clearing the lung for suppressing cough, cooling blood and relieving hemorrhage and nourishing the heart for calming the mental state. Stem: sour, salt, cool, clearing heat-toxin.
Treats Lung-heat, cough, phlegm. Governance heart Stomach pain, vomiting blood, the most suitable for tuberculosis.
Reference 曇花
曇花 Tanhua
