038CM Asparagus
Family Name Asparagaceae
Scientific name A. cochinchinensis
Common name Asparagus
Growth habit Growth in places with an altitude of 1,750 meters, often grow in roadsides, hillsides, valleys, woodland and wasteland, but not yet cultivated by the people
Leaf Every three clustered, sickle-shaped, 0.5-8 cm long, 1-2 mm wide
Flower Pale green in colour; pedicels 2-6 mm joints are generally located in the central, sometimes the location changes, flowering from May to June
Fruit 6-7 mm in diameter, red in colour, contains a seed, grow from August to October
More to learn It can also use as a Chinese medicine, it has anti-bacterial effect, killing mosquito, anti-tumor effect
Properties Bitter; Cold Moistening
Treats Cough; constipation; sore throat
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