040CM perilla
Family Name Lamiaceae
Scientific name Perilla frutescens
Common name White perilla, Deaf ear hemp
Growth habit Annual herb, Hong Kong native plants
Leaf Stems quadrangular cylindrical, Upright much branched, some oval or ovoid. The whole plant flavor
Flower Small flowers with stems, colored white, purple and pink. Flowering between July and August
Fruit Brown nutlets spherical, matured from September to October
More to learn Perilla oil can be extract by Perillaseed, Perillaseed contains 35-45% Perilla oil. Perilla oil contains omega-3 essential fatty acid α-linolenic acid. perilla oil is a drying oil, It can be used in the production of paints, varnishes, linoleum, ink, lacquer ware, as well as fabric waterproof coating, it can also be used as a fuel.
Properties Bitter in taste, warm, spleen meridian
Treats Cool-dispelling, abdominal fulness
Reference General information
Properties and Treats
Leafs, flower and fruits
growth habit
