042CM Lemon balm
Family Name Labiatae
Scientific name Melissa officinalis
Common name Lemon balm grass, lemongrass
Growth habit Perennial herbs
Leaf The leaves are a bright light green, deep veins, serrated leaf margins, soft hairs on the leaf surface and petiole. Dorsal often has lavender, the veins back hair.
Flower White, yellow or light blue flowers, flowering from June to July.
Fruit Small oval nuts and smooth. Fruit from August to September.
More to learn Native to southern Europe, is widely planted in Europe, Central Asia and North America, fresh or dried leaves can drink tea. Bee tea is believed to relieve tension and antidepressant effect, as well as help the efficacy of sleep. Melissa essential oil to help soothe emotions, has a strong sedative effect, can regulate heart function.
Properties Flower: astringent, bitter, slightly warm. Detoxify, stop the bleeding
Treats Clearing away heat, detoxification, swelling, analgesic effect. Governance vomiting blood, nose bleed at the nose, itchy skin embolism.
Reference General information on Melissa officinalis
Plant Profile on Melissa officinalis
Gallery on Melissa officinalis
