049CM Morella rubra
Family Name Myricaceae
Scientific name Morella rubra
Common name Chinese Bayberry
Growth habit Evergreen tree
Leaf Leaves alternate,obovate-elliptic leaf
Flower Red and yellow catkins inflorescence, female inflorescence ovate-oblong, spikes; February bear fruit
Fruit Matured in May , red fruit
More to learn Bayberry could also made in Bayberry wine and the colour is sharp and beautiful .It taste sweet, suitable for drinking in summer. Also, it have medicinal use for anti-malaria fever elimination.
Properties Fruits: sour, sweet, warm. engendering liquid for relieving restlessness, antialcoholism, inducing astringency to the intestine and relieving hemorrhage
Treats dipsesis, vomiting , gastralgia, dyspeptic abdominalgia, insobriety, injuries from falls, fractures, scalding and burns
Reference General information on Morella rubra
Plant Profile on Morella rubra
Plant Profile on Morella rubra
Gallery on Morella rubra
