051CM Rose Moss
Family Name Portulacaceae
Scientific name Portulaca grandiflora
Common name Garden Portulave,Sunplant
Growth habit Stain and soil resistant; Strong; Sunlight resistant
Leaf Alternative leaves seem like the leaves of pine needles, thick and fat
Flower Big flower, heavy petal, has red, light purple, yellow, orange or white in colors.
Fruit black capsule, uncommon
More to learn Portulaca grandiflora has an other name called “never die”. It is because the peculiarity of it is very high. Even its stem is broken and dehydrated, it can still alive.
Properties The stems and flowers contain anthocyanin, Bitter, cool.
Treats Clear away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis. Heal swelling and pain in throat, burnt, traumatic injury and eczema
Reference General information Portulaca grandiflora
Plant Profile on Portulaca grandiflora
