053CM Colocasia antiquorum
Family Name Araceae
Scientific name Colocasia antiquorum
Common name Elephant-ear, Taro, Cocoyam, Dasheen, Chembu, Eddoe
Growth habit Clumps.
Leaf Petiole hypertrophy, slightly shiny leaves peltate, ovate, thinly leathery surface, apex more pointed, ear-shaped base, with 2 cracks, the front lobes broadly ovate, acute, back lobes ovate, obtuse, entire, waveshape.
Flower Fragrant pale yellow or orange flowers. Flowering between July and August.
Fruit Small berry, in clusters on the fleshy stalk.
More to learn This plant is toxic, must not be taken rawly, generally not be taken orally. " Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu " written that: "Root can kill people, people do not know and eat, the dying, can drink soil slurry and dung juice to survive."
Properties Spicy tasting, cold, toxic. Eliminates toxic heat and stasis to subdue swelling.
Treats Carbuncle sore swollen poison; breast abscess; neck lymphadenitis; hemorrhoids; scabies; bruises; insects, snake bites.
Reference General information on Colocasia antiquorum
General information on Colocasia antiquorum
Information on Colocasia antiquorum
Gallery on Colocasia antiquorum
Medical information on Colocasia antiquorum
