054CM Talinum paniculatum
Family Name Portulacaceae
Scientific name Talinum paniculatum
Common name Talinum paniculatum
Growth habit Annual herb, all hairless. Branching taproot stout brown appearance.
Leaf Alternate: obovate or obovate oval, apex acute or obtuse, margin entire, base gradually narrow from glandulifera, both sides of the green and smooth.
Flower Purple red (magenta), with a diameter of about 6 mm, pedicel slim, pedicels filiform; the 2 sepals oval, pointed head caducous; 5 petals obovate or oval
Fruit Capsule, cooked gray-brown, about 3 mm in diameter. Seeds small, black, flat round.
More to learn Taking ginseng, should adopt a progressive manner, gradually increasing component, effect would be seen after a long day, don’t taking much at first. Ordinary Sun-dried ginseng garden ginseng 3 grams a day is better, American ginseng should not morn than 5 grams every day.
Properties Gan; pale; natured
Treats tired; eat less; diarrhea; tuberculosis hemoptysis; dizziness; hot flashes; night sweats; spontaneous; irregular menstruation; vaginal discharge, maternal milk
Reference 假人參
