062CM Polygonum chinense Linn.
Family Name Magnoliophyta
Scientific name Polygonum chinense Linn.
Common name China Knotweed
Growth habit Perennial herbs or sub-shrubs.
Leaf Ovate or oblong-ovate. Simple alternative leaves.
Flower Acrogenous or Axillary. White, purple or slightly red perianth. Bracts ovate.
Fruit Surface is color white when fruit is raw. Color dark brown when fruit is mature. With glossy surface.
More to learn While they are in the wild, they like to live in places with rich water supply. Such as valleys and forest edges.
Properties Stem, leaves and fruits can be eaten. Tastes sour but a little sweet if eaten raw.
Treats Clearing heat and dampness. Cooling and detoxifying. Good for liver and for eyesight. Cures dysentery, jaundice and diarrhea.
Reference General information on Polygonum chinense Linn.
Plant profile on Polygonum chinense Linn.
Gallery on Polygonum chinense Linn.
