068CM Allamanda cathartica
Family Name Apocynaceae
Scientific name Allamanda cathartica
Common name Allamanda cathartica
Growth habit Likes to grow in places with high temperature and high humidity, plant in places with sunshine can let it grow faster, however, if it is planted in shaded places, it is difficult to bloom, also the foliage will seem sparse
Leaf Single Leaves 3-4 whorls, Sometimes in pairs or in the upper part of the branches interactive health, 10-15 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide
Flower Golden yellow in colour, corollaceous funnel-shaped, 7-11 cm long, about 10 cm in diameter, flowering from March to August
Fruit Capsule globose in shape, with long spines, about 3 cm in diameter, the seeds about 2 cm flat with paper wings, fruit period from October to December
More to learn It is Originally from Brazil to the Americas, then widely planted in tropical regions, China, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Taiwan and other places cultivated for ornamental plants
Properties It taste bitter, cold, also, it is toxic.
Treats It can use as Chinese herb for healing constipation.
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