070CM Cordyline
Family Name Liliaceae
Scientific name Cordyline fruticosa
Common name Millennium wood, red bamboo
Growth habit The blade born in stem tip, margin entire, alternate, lanceolate or oblong, leaf size varieties, about 10 to 15 cm. Leaves are green, pink, dark purple.
Leaf The blade born in stem tip, margin entire, alternate, lanceolate or oblong, leaf size varieties, about 10 to 15 cm. Leaves are green, pink, dark purple.
Flower Panicles 30-60 cm long, lateral branch base have large bracts, each flower has three bracts, pink, purple and yellow color, about 1 cm, flowering in November to next March.
Fruit The fruit is a spherical berry, when ripe is red
More to learn The foliage plants cordyline plant morphology is beautiful, the color is gorgeous and elegant, potted plants suitable for interior decoration. There are many cultivars, there are also large changes in leaf shape, and it is a common plant furnished in indoor spaces. The flowers, leafs and root can used for medicinal purposes.
Properties Sweet, light, slightly cold
Treats Cooling blood to stop bleeding, disperse stasis and pain. Cure hemoptysis, hematemesis, nvxue, blood in the urine, blood in the stool, uterine bleeding, stomach pain, pain in muscles and bones, tumble swelling and pain
Reference Growth habit, flower, leafs and fruits
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