071CM Fortune's Cape Jasmine
Family Name Rubiaceae
Scientific name Gardeniajasminoides Ellis
Common name Fortune's Cape Jasmine
Growth habit It likes warm and humid environment and fertile acidic soil, it needs a very good fertilizer, fertilize with fertilizers which contain rich compost
Leaf Leaves opposite or whorled, obovate, 7-9 cm long, 4-6 cm wide. Foliage is dark green and shiny
Flower White, axillary or terminal, plena, eight centimeters wide, very fragrant
Fruit Oval in-shaped, it’s seed is flat, grow in October. After the fruit becomes mature, it’s colour will turns to tawny
More to learn It’s yellow peel can be used as dye, also, it’s wood is hard and meticulous which is good for carving
Properties It tastes bitter, cold.
Treats toothache, mouth sores, hepatitis and bruises embolism
Reference Photos(flower)
Properties, treats
Leaf, flower, fruit
