072CM Changchun flower
Family Name Apocynaceae
Scientific name Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don
Common name Days of Spring grass every day, Daily, 30,000 flowers, clock grass
Growth habit Perennial herbs or subshrubs.
Leaf Oblong leaves green, oblong or obovate, apex obtuse.
Flower In summer, opens pink or white flowers, inflorescence cymose; axillary or the top students; the Corolla rose red, pink or white, periwinkle stamens, Corolla high foot dish, solitary or on the leaf axils.
Fruit Follicles slender, erect, the seeds with granular small protrusions.
More to learn Native to Madagascar, Java and Brazil, located in Africa, subtropical, tropical, and mainland China, East China, Southwest, Central South and other places . Also it is a toxic plant after eating will cause leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, muscle weakness, limb paralysis and other symptoms.
Properties Flower: Cool slightly bitter taste, cooling blood buck sedative.
Treats The whole plant medicine can relieve pain, anti-inflammatory, sleep, laxative and diuretic. Also compatibility into the compound of the treatment of cancer. The milk contained alkaloids such as vinblastine and vincristine, which is extracted as a chemotherapy drug.
Reference General information on Catharanthus roseus
Plant Profile on Catharanthus roseus
Gallery on Catharanthus roseus
