074CM Argyreia nervosa
Family Name Convolvulaceae
Scientific name Argyreia nervosa
Common name baby woodrose, elephant climber
Growth habit This species is a weed of tropical and sub-tropical habitats, including rainforests, open woodlands, roadsides, distrubed sites and waste areas
Leaf Large; heart-shaped; whitish-silver hairy lower cuticle; pointed tips; silvery-white hairy undersides; alternately arranged along the stems and are borne on long stalks
Flower Large tubular flowers; usually pink with darker pink or purple centres; five sepals which are velvety-hairy; flowering occurs mainly during spring and summer
Fruit Dry; brown; rounded leathery berry (1-2 cm across)
More to learn Distribute in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaya, India and mainland China, Guangdong and other places, still haven’t cultivated artificially introduced species yet
Properties Sweet; cold; produce psychedelic effects
Treats Uterine prolapse, migraine, traumatic hemorrhage
Reference General information on Argyreia nervosa
Basic information on Argyreia nervosa
Treats of Argyreia nervosa
