075CM Japanese Serissa
Family Name Rubiaceae
Scientific name Serissa foetida
Common name Junesnow
Growth habit Likes the sun, more shade, avoid the strong winds of the sun, high temperature summer season should be sparse shade
Leaf Leaves opposite or into a clustered small branches, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, about 0.7 cm to 1.5 cm, entire. Gray ribbon blush or pale purple, solitary or multiple clustered flowers, corolla funnel-shaped.
Flower Flower-shaped small, dense at the top of the sprig, corolla about 7 mm, funnel-shaped, pubescent, slightly flush, white calyx green, on Shardtooth, hard. Drupelet nearly spherical, flowering from June to July. The common cultivated the Phnom Penh Serissa foetida (leaf margin golden yellow), Variegated Serissa foetida plena Serissa foetida.
Fruit Drupelet nearly spherical, flowering from June to July. The common cultivated the Phnom Penh Serissa foetida (leaf margin golden yellow), Variegated Serissa foetida plena Serissa foetida.
More to learn Serissa is one of the most common bonsai, especially in Japan. It is not difficult to maintain as bonsai, but is very fussy. It responds adversely by dropping leaves if over-watered, under-watered, if it's too cold, too hot, or even if just moved to a new location. The plant usually grows back to health when put back to better conditions.
Properties Detoxify, adjusting the power of the spleen qi, rheumatism, migraine, toothache, sore throat, stomatitis, neurodermatitis, jaundice, shingles, vaginal discharge whitish embolism has a certain effect.
Treats Wind-dispersing solution form, heat and dampness,. For the common cold, cough, toothache, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, acute and chronic hepatitis, enteritis, diarrhea, infantile malnutrition product, high blood pressure, headache, migraine, rheumatic joint pain
Reference Bailke
