077CM Datura stramonium
Family Name Solanaceae
Scientific name Datura stramonium
Common name thorn apple
Growth habit Annual herb
Leaf Simple leaves alternate Shape of Ovate or broadly ovate
Flower Horn shape Usually white in colour
Fruit Spherical Thorns
More to learn 1.Originating in India 2.Grow into subshrubs at low latitudes 3.Born wastelands, dry lands, slopes facing sun , grass 4.Seeds broadly triangular, flat and light brown
Properties Spicy, bitter; warm, toxic. Have narcotic effect make muscles relax
Treats For cough and asthma, stomach pain, bitten by rabies
Reference General information on Datura stramonium
Properties, treats and more information on Datura stramonium
Properties and treats on Datura stramonium
General information and more information on Datura stramonium
