078CM Elecutherococcus senticosus
Family Name Araliaceae
Scientific name Elecutherococcus senticosus
Common name Siberian Ginseng
Growth habit Deciduous shrub, suitable in warm, humid climate and shade
Leaf Palmately compound leaves with doubly serrate sharp or serrated edge.
Flower Umbrella Inflorescences, flowers and dense, flowering between June to July
Fruit Black or green color berry-like drupe spherical or egg-shaped fruit period, forming between July to September
More to learn Grow in the altitude between 200-1600m: scrub forest, forest edge, hillside road Timor and villages. It can also be used for soaking in wine or into pills, powder.
Properties bitter; slightly sweet; warm
Treats Waist and knee pain; soft muscles atrophy; bruises; fractures; edema; beriberi; shade under wet itch.
Reference All Information on Elecutherococcus senticosus
Photos of Elecutherococcus senticosus
