079 Robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho
Family Name Fabaceae
Scientific name Robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho
Common name Robinia
Growth habit Deciduous tree
Leaf Leaves alternate, elliptical,dark green shiny
Flower Flower is pastel pink, rich aroma, multi-season flowering, 200-500 flowers in full bloom at the same time
Fruit Legumes, no seed
More to learn If robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho grow in the the environment of the mainland the South, it can have four flower season, If in the Taiwan sub-tropical, it can even have five flowering season, nearly seemed to throughout the year are in flowering season!
Properties Sweet, neutral. Relieving hemorrhage.
Treats Used for hematochezia, empsyxis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.
Reference General information on Robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho
Plant profile on Robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho
General information on Robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho
Gallery on Robinia pseudoacacia cv.idaho
