086CM Atukan
Family Name Chloranthaceae
Scientific name Sarcandra glabra
Common name Atukan
Growth habit Evergreen Subshrubs. Stem height from 70 to 100 cm, green, glabrous, section enlargement, the section between the longitudinal ridges and furrows. Growth in the jungle, wet places.
Leaf Leaves opposite, leathery, oblong to needle-oblong, apex acuminate, base sharp or wedge-shaped, the edge except base coarsely toothed, teeth tip as hard bone mineral.
Flower Small flowers yellow-green, unisexual, monoecious; male and female flowers Hopson, was born in a very small bract axils, short spikes composed of the top students. Flowering in June.
Fruit Berry drupe-like, spherical, diameter of about 3 mm, red when ripe. Fruit from October to November.
More to learn Pregnant women Jifu. Typical ingredients of 24 mei (Cantonese herbal tea) The wild Caoshanhu (Sarcandra glabra) is often grown in 400-1500 meters above sea level on the slopes, valleys evergreen broad-leaved forest, wet places. Suitable for warm and humid climate, hi cool environment, avoid direct glare and hot and dry. Hi humus layer deep, loose and fertile, slightly acidic sandy loam, avoid barren, compacted heavy clay soil, easy to water. Staphylococcus aureus, various types of Shigella, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was inhibited. This product leaves the antibacterial force is greater than the root, the fresh goods antibacterial force is greater than the dry goods. The leaves contain Coumadin ketones, lactones, glycosides, cyanogenic glycosides, volatile oil and tannin. The fruit contains the shoe pattern Tianzhu prime buckthorn glucoside. Sarcandrae glabra is a warm herb and can have both a bitter and sweet taste. This herb is used in TCM due to its latent-heat-clearing qualities. It also has strong detoxifying properties, helping to clear heat and toxic material. It can especially enhance cellular energy production. It also has nonspecific anti-inflammatory activity, and has been used to promote circulation.
Properties Spicy, little toxic. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, dehumidification, Huoxuezhitong.
Treats Pneumonia, acute appendicitis, acute gastroenteritis, dysentery, rheumatic pain, bruises, fractures.
Reference 草珊瑚
Sarcandra Glabra, Cao Shan Hu
24 mei
