089CM Rubus Reflexus Ker.
Family Name Rosaceae
Scientific name Rubus Reflexus Ker.
Common name Rusty-hair Raspberry, Japanese Raspberry Herb
Growth habit Scandent shrub
Leaf alternative Leaves , 3 leaflets Lobular are in diamond-shaped oblong, 1.5 to 5cm in length and 2 to 6 cm in width Top of lobular are obtuse or mucronate Irregular coarsely toothed or notch-like serrated edges Below densely gray hair
Flower bisexual Flowers, pink in color bloom in spring about 1 cm in diameter lined as corymbose.
Fruit Aggregate fruit combined by drupelet, nearly spherical mature in Summer, about 1.5 cm in diameter, red colour.
More to learn Rosaceae Rubus Reflexus Ker. , make medicine by roots and leaves. Annual recoverable, usually slice and dry before use.
Properties Sweet and sour tasting, Nature Heal bruises, Analgesic, insecticide detoxification.
Treats used for vomit blood, bone-setters and stab wounds, abdominal pain postpartum and stasis, dysentery, hemorrhoids, scabies.
Reference Different names and Plant profile on Rubus Reflexus Ker.
Gallery and Plant profile on Rubus Reflexus Ker.
Plant profile on Rubus Reflexus Ker.
Gallery on Rubus Reflexus Ker.
