107CM Podophyllum pleianthum(Hance) Woodson
Family Name Verbenaceae
Scientific name Podophyllum pleianthum(Hance) Woodson
Common name none
Growth habit Perennial herbs, and it had many root which was spread out.
Leaf Length of the leaf was between ten to fifteen cm.
Flower There are four to five flowers grow under the leaf ,facing downwards, and the length of pedicel is about 8cm.
Fruit Living time of the fruit is 8 month, and the colour of fruit is pink.
More to learn Some report said that if an adult eat a little piece of Podophyllum pleianthum, after a little period of time ,that person will dizziness, palpitation and sore throat.
Properties Bitter, acrid and toxic
Treats Mainly use for influenza, tuberculosis, snake and insect bites. And it had toxic can’t eat.
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