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Family Name Zamioculcas
Scientific name Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Common name Zanzibar Gem
Growth habit Over-watering may destroy this plant.
Leaf Pinnate, 40-60 cm long, with 6-8 pairs of leaflets 7-15 cm long; they are smooth, shiny, and dark green.
Flower Small bright yellow to brown or bronze spadix 5-7 cm long, partly hidden among the leaf bases; flowering is from mid- summer to early autumn.
Fruit Spadix, the outer edge is coated with a layer of phyllaries.
More to learn For reducing fever and causing diuresis tonglin to drugs, often used to heat, especially a good treatment of stone rain and disease, single strong tea food and beverage service, or sea-sands, chicken Nequim equivalent.
Properties Sweet, bland, cold. Clearing heat and removing dampness water tonglin, dehumidification tuihuang and detoxification.
Treats For hot and humid Hoang Dan, liver and gallbladder stones. Sores and swelling, bites by snakes or insect or burns.
Reference General information on Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Fruit of Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Properties, treats of Zamioculcas zamiifolia
