171CM Cyperus brevifolius
Family Name Cyperaceae
Scientific name Cyperus brevifolius
Common name Mullimbimby couch
Growth habit Perennial grass-like herb with underground runners
Leaf Leaves soft narrowly linear of varying lengths, end acuminate lower with purple
Flower Spherical inflorescence flowers for the top students, mature from green to hazel, flowering in summer
Fruit Nutlets oblate matured in fall
More to learn Use dry Cyperus brevifolius roots and 2 longan boiled with water, take it one per day or on behalf of tea, take for 15 days.
Properties Bitter in taste, Heat and dampness to silt swelling Shufeng solution form, the effect of the cough and phlegm
Treats Use in treatment of colds, bronchitis, whooping cough and malaria.
Reference Chinese herbal medicine information
Common Australian Garden Weeds Cyperus brevifolius
Information of Cyperus brevifolius
