177CM Indian Stringbush
Family Name Thymelaeaceae
Scientific name Wikstroemia indica C.A. Meyer
Common name tie bush, Indian stringbush, bootlace bush
Growth habit It is more common in widen nudity place, near highroad,molder land and the edge of jungle
Leaf Leaves opposite; petiole ca. leaf blade reddish brown on both surfaces when dried, obovate, elliptic-oblong, or lanceolate,papery to thinly leathery, both surfaces glabrous, base broadly or narrowly cuneate, apex obtuse or acute; lateral veins dense, slender, at narrow angle to midrib.
Flower Inflorescences terminal, capitate, several flowered; Glabrous. Calyx yellowish green, exterior glabrescent;Bbroadly ovate to oblong,, apex acute or obtuse. Ovary obovoid or ellipsoid, glabrous or apex sparsely pubescent; style very short; stigma capitate.
Fruit Drupe red to dark purple, ellipsoid.
More to learn Wikstroemia indica (L.) C. A. Mey. is a member of family Thymelaeaceae and mainly distributes in middle and southeast part of China. However, its use has mainly been based on empirical findings during hundreds and thousands of years. Recent studies indicated that W. indica contains abundant bioactive components including flavonoids, biflavonoids, coumarins, lignans, volatile oils, polysaccharides etc.
Properties Whole:bitter,cold,venomousness
Treats As a traditional Chinese herb, this plant has long been employed as antipyretics, detoxicants, expectorants, vermifuges as well as aborticides in clinic practice.
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