194 Dieffenbachia seguine
Family Name Araceae, Arum Family
Scientific name Dieffenbachia picta
Common name Dieffenbach , Dumb cane
Growth habit Herbaceous, perennial, upright, freely clumping.
Leaf Elongated, oblong to broadly lance-shape- dark to green.
Flower Flower cluster is white, erect, subtended and partly enclosed by a leaflike spathe.
Fruit Fruits are berries, orange when ripe.
More to learn Whole plant is poisonous, stems the most toxic. The juice in contact with the skin causing itching and dermatitis; swallowed a small tuber extreme throat stabbing pain, and lead to a paralysis of vocal cords. Your skin burns, edema, considerable salivation, affect swallowing and breathing.
Properties Bitter cold. Heat-clearing and detoxifying.
Treats For traumatic injury, rib fracture, gold blast, boil, Erysipelas splash contusion and sprain, sore, ulcer disease, etc.
Reference General information on Dieffenbachia picta
Properties and treats of Dieffenbachia picta
Toxicity of Dieffenbachia picta
