202 Epipremnum aureum
Family Name Araceae,E. aureum
Scientific name Scindapsus aureum
Common name Money plant, Golden Pothos, Devil's Ivy
Growth habit It is a fast growing vine and can reach up to heights of up to 50ft. As the plant grows taller the leaves become bigger.
Leaf It has heart-shaped ,fleshy, green and yellow marbled leaves. Mature can have leaves as large as 18" long.
Flower It produces spikes of tiny flowers in spathes but is seldom seen in house plants.
Fruit a fat lot of abloom
More to learn E. aureum can become a highly invasive species when introduced into tropical countries where it is not native. In Sri Lanka it overgrows several hectares of the Udawatta Kele Sanctuary in Kandy.[5] Having no natural enemies, it completely overgrows the forest floor as well as the trunks of trees, causing severe ecological disruption.
Properties External use:taste laborious,cold,toxic To be taken orally:taste laborious,hot,toxic
Treats External use:fever, bruises, rheumatism, snake bites throat. To be taken orally: cough, sputum, vomiting, nausea, allergic nasal congestion, wind musculoskeletal pain
Reference 葫蘆中醫藥專業資訊網
