249CM Quamoclit pennata
Family Name Convolvulaceae
Scientific name Quamoclit pennata(Lam.) Bojer
Common name Cypress Vine、Cardinal Climber、Star Glory
Growth habit Annual twining herb, glabrous. Stems up to 4cm long, smooth
Leaf Simple leaves alternate, pinnate finely divided, lobes linear, stipules isomorphic with leaf.
Flower Cymes axillary, flowers small, corolla salverform, deep red, appearance similar to pentagram, flowering in August to Hoar-frost falls.
Fruit Red, Capsule ovoid, seed black, with brown thin hair. Matured from July to December.
More to learn Oral administration: decocting, 10-15g. External application: pounded to extract juice for unction or decocted for washing.
Properties Whole plant or roots: Bitter, cool. Clearing heat-toxin, cooling blood for checking dysentery.
Treats Treats superficial infections and furuncles, dysentery, discharging fresh blood stools, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hemorrhoids, hemafecia.
Reference General information on Quamoclit pennata(Lam.) Bojer
Photo on Quamoclit pennata(Lam.) Bojer
Photo on Quamoclit pennata(Lam.) Bojer
