251 Passiflora ligularis
Family Name Passifloraceae
Scientific name Passiflora ligularis
Common name Sweet granadilla
Growth habit It is a vine of the genus Passiflora. Its duration is perennial which means it will grow year after year
Leaf Heart-shaped 4 to 8 inch long leaves that are of a medium green color
Flower Flowers have greenish white sepals and light pinkish-white petals with 2 ranks of filaments that are banded with bluish purple
Fruit The fruit is orange to yellow colored with small light markings
More to learn 它可以克制,失眠,神經衰弱,焦慮憂鬱症,頭痛,神經痛,婦女經痛等症狀,且具消炎和抗痙攣之作用,對肌肉痙攣、癲癇有很好的成效。另外可治關節炎,骨膜炎,頸肩臂痛,胃痛及脹氣,這是十分常見的藤蔓植物。
Properties Good acidity, fragrance, and flavor
Treats The fresh or dried leaves of maypop are used to make a tea that is used to treat insomnia, hysteria, and epilepsy, and is also valued for its analgesic properties
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