255 Bougainvillea
Family Name Nyctaginaceae
Scientific name Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd
Common name Bougainvillea
Growth habit Evergreen woody vine or shrub
Leaf Leaves alternate, oval, with handle
Flower Flowers located in three large red package leaves, small flowers, yellow or yellow-green, three Poly Health package leaves part of its main ornamental
Fruit 水果與五棱郭常持續苞片包圍。
More to learn In Panama, an infusion of the flowers . glabra used as treatment for low blood pressure. - Nupe people of Niger use a crude extract of leaves for diabetes.
Properties Traditional practitioners in Mandsaur use the leaves for a variety of disorders, for diarrhea, and to reduce stomach acidity. - Used for cough and sore throat. - For blood vessels and leucorrhea: a decoction of dried flowers, 10 g in 4 glasses of water. - For hepatitis, a decoction of dried stems, 10 g in 4 glasses of water.antibacterial.
Treats Leaves considered to have antiinflammatory activity. - Considered anti-diabetic, antibacterial. - Pinitol considered antidiabetic.
