263CM Longan
Family Name Sapindaceae
Scientific name Dimocarpus longan
Common name Longan
Growth habit Very sensitive to frost. Require sandy soil and temperature above 4.5。C
Leaf Alternate leaves with 4 to 10 opposite leaflets. The shape is elliptic or lanceolate and blunt-tipped. They are leathery with a glossy-green color on the upper surface and grayish-green on the lower surface. New leave growth has a wine-color
Flower Pale yellow flowers on upright terminal panicles.
Fruit Round fruits with a thin, brown-colored inedible shell. The flesh of the fruit is translucent white, soft, and juicy. It surrounds a big, black seed.
More to learn 可用作風景林和防護林,木材堅固耐久,根、干可以提烤膠。疏林砍伐,根幹經悶燒製成木炭,熱值高,味道佳,是碳烤與使用者的首選。 果實可生吃,也可以含殼烘烤成果乾稱為龍眼乾, 龍眼乾可以含殼保存,去殼去子核後可以保存更久,利於長年食用或藥用。 但龍眼是濕熱食物, 多食易滯氣,有上火發炎癥狀的時候不宜使用,龍眼辛溫助陽,孕婦食用用後易動血動胎。
Properties -a sweet flavour -Warming property
Treats It energizes qi, nourishes the blood, heart, and spleen, and expels cold. It is often prescribed for general debility, insomnia, and nervous disorders.
Reference Wikipedia
Lands of Wisdom
World Crops Database
