267CM Nepenthes
Family Name Pitcher plant
Scientific name Nepenthes bicalcarata
Common name Nepenthes/ Amramatico
Growth habit (herb) Climbing shaped subshrubs
Leaf Leaf length up to 2 mm, when insect traps cage capture prey, cage lid would not closed
Flower N/A
Fruit N/A
More to learn Signed by each State Party in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora International Trade Convention, pitcher plants are protected in the Appendix Ⅱ scheduled plant. The Nepenthes does not belong to the endangered species extinct, but its trade may lead to the danger of extinction. Therefore, the Convention provisions Nepenthes can trade, but must first obtain the Convention permits.
Properties Able to catch and digest small insects
Treats Nepenthes can help a person who has/have hepatitis, stomach pain, high blood pressure and a cold.
Reference General information on Nepenthes
Gallery on nepenthes
Plant Profile on Nepenthes
