269 Casuarina equisetifolia L.
Family Name Casuarinaceae
Scientific name Casuarina equisetifolia L.
Common name Beef Wood, Iron-wood, Swamp Oak, Horsetail Tree,Polynesian Iron Wood
Growth habit Resist wind ,drought tolerant and salt tolerance
Leaf Degenerate to teeth in whorls of 4–20, portion of branchlet between whorls of teeth termed an 'article'; articles with as many longitudinal ridges (phyllichnia) as there are teeth, separated by closed [or open] furrows
Flower Male flowers with 1 or 2 hooded, scale-like tepals and 1 stamen; anther basifixed. Female flowers without perianth; carpels 2, fused, with 2 (rarely 4) ovules; style reddish, bifid.
Fruit Set to generate as small cones, oval shape, bracts lignified
More to learn For internal use, boil for 3 to 9g to drink. For external use, boil or smash it to paste on skin.
Properties Taste cool but feel warm, cause faster blood flow, stop cough and resolving phlegm Slightly bitter ; sim and warm
Treats Stop cough, pain, diarrhea and good for dampness. Indications of cold, fever, cough
Reference 木麻黃
木麻黃 - A+醫學百科
