272 Chalice Vine
Family Name Solanaceae
Scientific name Solandra nitida Zucc.
Common name Na
Growth habit 0-800 meters above sea level garden or roadside hedges Solanaceae trailing evergreen shrubs addition to the fruit flowers foliage are toxic
Leaf Trailing evergreen shrubs, leaves alternate, oblong, five pairs of lateral veins, both sides are dark green
Flower Spring, summer flowering, the top of the single inflorescence, corolla large, cup-shaped, pale yellow, opened in each branch of the peripheral; calyx 5-lobed, five stamens protruding from the corolla tube, corolla 5-lobed, lobes curl outward,a lobes central purple-brown stripes extending to the crown and throat
Fruit Berry spherical packet is persistent calyx.
More to learn Arbours, pergola plants: even trailing, excellent shade pergola plants. 2 beds of plants: flowers with aroma, when the fragrant flower plant cultivation
Properties Na
Treats Na
Reference 金盃藤 - 松竹軒的藝境
