278 trillium
Family Name Melanthiaceae
Scientific name Trillium tschonoskii
Common name trillium
Growth habit Perennial herbs
Leaf Rhizome, stems tufted, leaves are upright, unbranched and about 5-15 cm. Brown base membranous sheath. Born top of the stem, nearly rhombic, ovate diamond-shaped or round diamond-shaped, 6-15 cm long and 5-15 cm wide, apex acute, base rounded
Flower bisexual and live on impeller central, ovate-lanceolate or nearly oval shape, two arranged, the outer green, inner white, dilute lavender
Fruit Green color, matured from April, takes about 7 to 9 months
More to learn Once Shennong herbs in the deep forests, eventually bites fell to the ground. Queen Mother of the West sent Bluebird to bring a life-saving detoxifying elixir. Shennong gradually awake from the coma. This plant was named as "Trillium".
Properties Root : Sweet tasting, neutral and mild poisonous
Treats Hypertension, neurasthenia, dizziness, headache, bruises
Reference General information on Trillium
Gallery on Trillium tschonoskii
Plant profile on Trillium tschonoskii
Medicine extracted from root
