279CM Pouzolzia zeylanica(Linn.)Benn
Family Name Urticaceae
Scientific name Pouzolzia zeylanica(Linn.)Benn
Common name Dissipated, pus see elimination feed pus cream Dioscorea stone potato, water hemp seedlings pull pus cream, wild ginseng, glutinous rice Grassy eggplant, raw drugs, eylanica
Growth habit Perennial herb
Leaf Stem length is O.3-1.6cm, unbranched, leaves membranous, ovate to broadly ovate, 1.5-4cm wide 0.5-2.5cm, apex mucronate
Flower Small flowers, staminate pale green or purplish tepals oval, about 1mm, Flowering from April to September
Fruit Thin, flat, oval shape
More to learn N/A
Properties Gan; pale; cold
Treats Clear swollen abscess; diuresis Tonglin. Main sore ulcer; breast abscess; Wind & Fire toothache; dysentery; diarrhea; urine leaching pain; whitish
Reference General information on Pouzolzia zeylanica(Linn.)Benn.
