280CM 赤楠
Family Name Myrtaceae
Scientific name Syzygium buxifolium
Common name Eugenia microphylla, Eugenia pyxophylla
Growth habit Perennial deciduous arbor
Leaf Simple alternative leaves. Oval or Obovate
Flower Most color is yellow or white, relatively smaller, less than 1 cm. it is cone flower, Smooth and hairless.
Fruit Fruit spherical, diameter 0.7 to 0.9 cm. It is black when it ripe
More to learn Generally common in low-elevation mountain ridge in Taiwan, broadleaf jungle or forest edge, up to 1,400 meters.
Properties Root or root bark, leaf: sweet
Treats Utility: root or root bark, leaf: detoxification, the profit level of asthma. Root, root bark: Governance edema, asthma, burn, scald; leaves: governance ulcer, boils, paint sores, burns.
Reference General information on syzygium buxifolium
General information on syzygium buxifolium
Photo on buxif syzygium olium
Photo on syzygium buxifolium
