284CM Lemon
Family Name Rutaceae Citrus
Scientific name Citrus limon
Common name Lemon fruit, should the mother fruit, Li Meng
Growth habit One of the most hardy species suitable for winter warmer, summer is not hot, the temperature is relatively stable.
Leaf The oval-shaped leaves, linear the leaf wing, leaves purple.
Flower Flowers are white with purple, slightly scented racemes, solitary or 3 to 6.
Fruit Lemon fruit is oval citrus fruits, yellow or red, it is shiny, has thin skin, and it flesh is very sour..
More to learn Can be made of honey lemonade, lemon slices washed and placed in cold water mix can be transferred to the honey locust. It has a special taste!
Properties Clear sputum in lungs, stomach fluid. For bronchitis, whooping cough, loss of appetite, vitamin C deficiency, heat stroke polydipsia.
Treats Stop the cough, cool and soothing unwell in the stomach.
Reference About Lemon
Introduction of Lemon
How to eat lemon
