286CM Magnolia figo
Family Name Magnoliaceae
Scientific name Michelia figo
Common name Smiling Mei
Growth habit A slow growing, compact shrub.
Leaf Dark green leaves, alternate, oblong, apex pointed, leathery, upper epidermis hairless, about 10 cm.
Flower Smiling flower perennial flowering color to purple ranging from white, creamy yellow flowering bloom in the spring, buds, twigs, petioles and flower buds are dense brown hair.
Fruit Prefers neutral to acid, humus-rich, well-drained soil; they resent being transplanted. The banana shrub is so called because of the distinctive, sweet banana scent of its flowers.
More to learn Smiling flower fitness was born in a warm and humid climate. Hi half shade in low light (slightly overcast) grow well, so often as a garden flower cultivation.
Properties Smiling flower flowers have a very unique and intense aroma of banana flavor, it is generally grown as an ornamental plant garden aroma
Treats Medicinal value
