295CM Amaranth
Family Name Amaranthaceae
Scientific name Gomphrena globosa
Common name N/A
Growth habit Annual plant
Leaf Simple leaf opposite; petiole 1-1.3cm long, upper end almost sessile, with grey long soft hairs; lamina papery, long circular to elliptic
Flower The florescence summer purple, white or pink flowers, the capitulum spherical or oblong.
Fruit Utricle will not crack, subglobose
More to learn Oral administration: decocting, flower 3-9g, entire plant 15-30g. External application: appropriate amount, triturated for application, or prepared decoction for washing.
Properties Sweet, little salt, neutral. Relieving cough, alleviating asthma, clearing liver, improving eyesight and detoxifying.
Treats Coughing, asthma, whooping cough, nocturnal fretfulness in infants, swelling pain
Reference School of Chinese medicine Chinese medicinal plants database
