301CM Humata tyermanni
Family Name Davalliaceae
Scientific name Davallia mariesii
Common name 毛石蠶、岩蠶、白毛岩蠶兔腳芒
Growth habit Warm, moist and half shade environment, suitable humidity is 50%, have a strong resistance to harsh environments, common live in the hillside. Need loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam Cling to tree trunks or rocks
Leaf Hairless, scaly leaf base. Leaves broad ovate lanceolate, 3-4 back pinnates, bipinnata is 10-30 cm long, shiny leathery leaves
Flower Flower:NA Root: Rhizomes fleshy,rhizomes long and cross, densely velvet narrowly lanceolate membranous scales, surface covered with silvery white or brown lanceolate shaped scales
Fruit Fruit:NA Spore: Sori grow on the edge of the leaf, protect by the anti-roll leaf margin
More to learn We can use Rhizome reproduction or spores, spring and summer are appropriate. Rhizome reproduction, select the fern roots, each need to be with one or more leaves and buds, and then buried the stem in the moist medium, placed in a cool, well-ventilated place
Properties Properties:NA Root: Covered with gray silver hair, used to reflect sunlight, to avoid glare burns, this is very important to the seedling period
Treats Treats:NA
Reference 圆盖阴石蕨
