303CM Selaginella uncinata
Family Name Selaginellaceae
Scientific name Selaginella uncinata
Common name Na
Growth habit Half shade environment warm and humid, the the basin ground should be loose permeable and rich in humus, high air humidity, the ideal growth temperature for the night of 10-15 ° C, day 21 a 26 ° C.
Leaf Stems prostrate prostrate, very soft, branching at the often adventitious roots, multi-branched. Leaflets ovate, megasporophyll, ovate-triangular. Bluish-green leaves and the main stem is slender, brownish yellow, the meristem collateral with detailed scales leaflets.
Flower Na
Fruit Na
More to learn Topical: hot burns dried whole plant (each with 5 money to two) into powder, sesame oil dressing.
Properties Sweet, bland, cool.
Treats Acute jaundice hepatitis, fat bursitis, edema, nephritis, enteritis, dysentery, edema, rheumatic pains, cough, vomiting blood, tuberculosis, coughing up blood, throat abscess, anal fistula, cuts, burns, burns, cuts, pustules sores, snakebites, gonorrhea.
Reference 翠雲草-中文百科在線
